
Neda Kellogg
Executive Director
Keeya Allen
Marketing/Branding Director
Fun Fact:
I love the Boondocks! The hood in me lives vicariously through Riley and the independent thinker in me lives vicariously through Hughey! LOL
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
I came across this quote that said, 'The definition of hell is - during your last couple of breaths, the person you became gets to meet the person you had the potential of Being.' I've chosen to leave this earth experiencing heaven instead of hell. I live with no regrets knowing that the person 'I AM' is the person I choose to BE right now and everyday until my last day on earth!
Fun Fact:
I love exploring new adventures, obtaining knowledge, and traveling throughout the world!
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
Relaxing and resting in YOU is what BE-ing is to me. Often times, people will torture themselves in attempting to be something or someone they're not. You are the best by being the best you. Always know that YOU are LOVED. YOU are enough. YOU are deserving of all things great. YOU are supported. YOU are capable. YOU are brilliant. YOU are liberated. It is your birthright to LIVE, LOVE, and to gracefully dance in your purpose.

LaQuisha Hunnecook
Learning Environment Director
Fun Fact:
My fun fact is that I LOVE hoodies that have my favorite childhood cartoons displayed.
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
I am the Being of my foundation. Without knowing my "WHY", I would never get to my ending. My Being is to stay grounded & connected, so that I am always READY for whatever.

Martha Norris
Career Exploration Director

Iyonna Ross
Executive Assistant
Fun Fact:
I love to climb trees and I am very good at it. To be able to climb to the top of a tall pine, especially when the wind is blowing, is an amazing experience. I am cradled in the arms of the tree and can feel it dancing in the wind. At these times, I feel part of the energy of the cosmos.
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
I am a child of life and a global citizen. I firmly believe the words of Dr. King and try to act on them, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” I believe in love and live my marvelous life accordingly with great gratitude and zest!
Fun Fact:
I am a foodie! The emotions that I have when I am about to try new food is exhilarating for me because I am a picky eater. I might like it and I might not and I love being in the space of not knowing!
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
As I am settling into my 20’s I have found this quote that I created to be profound. It reads, ‘Being able to make the decision to come out of your comfort zone to accomplish greater things is an accomplishment all on its own!’ As I am showing up in my truth more, this has been the blueprint for how I am transitioning into attaining the lifestyle I am moving towards.
Taliesha Shavonne
Self-Love & Emotional
Fitness Facilitator
Fun Fact:
I played women's professional football at 37-years-old.
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
Just Do It!

Deedra Thomas
Business 369 Facilitator
Fun Fact:
I sing and dance everyday! I love music and always have a song playing in my head. So, if you ever see me bobbing my head to a beat you can't hear, mind ya business, lol.
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
Everyday I wake up, I am given another chance to choose how I want to walk through this world. I choose to be the kind of woman my mother would be proud of. I choose to not judge myself nor others. I choose love, joy, kindness and peace. I choose to move with intention and purpose in pursuit of freedom.

Kelis Durant
Career Exploration Facilitator
Fun Fact:
I love to cook and learn about new recipes.
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
I believe that everyone should always show up as their authentic selves no matter what room they are in and not be afraid to express themselves because you can realize your full potential and others will respect you more.

Elsie Carmona Quiterio
Alumni Coordinator
Fun Fact:
I am an Author.
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
'Being' is staying present and boldly living in the now. 'Being' is just enough, not looking for more or thinking of less.
Deanna Murphy
Entrepreneurs Are Us Club Facilitator
Fun Fact:
Birthdays are holidays to me.
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
Rich isn’t monetary, it's having unlimited experiences with the things I love.

Fareedah Hasan
Collective Conversations
Parent Facilitator
Fun Fact:
I am a part of the 10% “lefty” population! - lol.​
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
'BE-ing' to me is about staying true to your values, principles, boundaries, expectations and standards, even when working through those tough moments and conversations in this life.

Jhaelynn Elam
Travel Academy Facilitator
Fun Fact:
My background is in food and sensory science so I have pretty good taste buds and love picking up on flavor references.
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
Be-ing means being able to be authentic to who I am. It is when I am most at peace and most centered.

Iyonna Ross
Wednesday Conversations Facilitator
Fun Fact:
I am a foodie! The emotions that I have when I am about to try new food is exhilarating for me because I am a picky eater. I might like it and I might not and I love being in the space of not knowing!
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
As I am settling into my 20’s I have found this quote that I created to be profound. It reads, ‘Being able to make the decision to come out of your comfort zone to accomplish greater things is an accomplishment all on its own!’ As I am showing up in my truth more, this has been the blueprint for how I am transitioning into attaining the lifestyle I am moving towards.

Shavaun Kay
It's My Image Club Facilitator
Fun Fact:
I loveeeeee Jazz music and love the saxophone, and I absolutely love fashion.​
My Thoughts on BE-ing:
Just be still at times, it’s in these moments that you find God's sweetest part of his heart.