We've Been Really Busy!
We know that we have been quiet lately. It's been because we have been busy taking flight as we ended our 2020-2021 programming year! At the same time we are also in planning mode for our new year as we prepare of our kick off to the new school year and our new cohort of girls! But we have been thinking about you!
We want you to know that we have our first trip under our belt ! We flew 12 girls and leaders to St. Louis to visit our 11th grade Teen Executive, Dallas!
The trip was over the top! We have vowed to present a career tour on each trip and our first stop was to Menagerie Consulting owned by Shea Peffly. We also visited the legendary Miles Davis’ family home (House of Miles), was hosted by the owner of West End Bistro (a Black women) and had a private, guided tour by the artist, Shevarè (yep - you guessed it- a Black woman), who’s exhibit “She is Her and I Am She” is currently at Saks Fifth Ave. This first trip has added tremendous expansion to the girls abundance mindsets that they have been working on all year. Thank you for your generous donations that provided the opportunity for this to happen!
Personal Development Journeys
The interns and leaders also are embarking on a personal development journey using a curriculum that teaches on the universal law principles. This curriculum has them preparing to get the results they desire over the next year. The commitment and discipline that is exuding from the personal development sessions is mind blowing! They have their personal growth goals completed and already seeing results from what they documented. Beginning July 1 - June 30, 2022.
The leadership that will come from the confidence built through this personal development journey is priceless and we are excited to experience the growth of each individual involved!